May 31, 2006

Saying it

This one is dedicated to dh notwithstanding his unease at being mentioned in my blog.

Teri says Say what and talks of trashing her box without the recycle option. And Ellen was the one who showed me how dependent and attached I was to my box- to the extent of being paranoid about it. But hey, boxed in or sparring about my box, dh matters.

Go figure!


Sideways Chica said...

Dear I said on my comment to you, we can all so easily get "boxed" in without even knowing that we have. Thank goodness for the trash pick-up every week. I think you will enjoy tomorrow's post - "The Trash Man Cometh..."

Ciao bella...and thanks for the mention. I am always amazed at your insight and I love it when you sharpen my point.

chitra said...

Reading it today reminded me of the story you once old me "Twenty questions" .

Shankari said...

Teri, your posts do inspire and set me thinking!

Chitra, I did tell you that story a long time ago- but it isn't strange that you remembered that here. It is a powerful story -because it is so relevant!

B.S. said...

Well, I'm inspired. Time for me to face my box again. Today's a good day for me to take assessment, and I appreciate the reminder.
