March 07, 2006

Noisome noise

Old wounds do have a tendency to show up. Especially if it was a searing gash which could never quite fill and heal. Not even with time, in spite of all those aphorisms.

So when Priyanka posted this, the wound, its pain, and memories of hatred, anger, shame and pain did kind of surface.

I somehow think I've mellowed down, moved on, yet something like this makes me lose it totally.


AfricaBleu said...

Wow. What a heart-wrenching post. I never experienced the subtle touching, but I DID grow up sometimes being pointed at and yelled at in Swahili (suggestive things that the men who yelled thought I would not understand - why would a "mzungu" speak Swahili, after all?), because I was white. And I hated those men, while hating myself for being female and for being the "wrong" color.

May all your amazon-women urges protect you, always.

DTclarinet said...

Hey Shankari- I read Priyanka's post. Good writing, and intense. The subtle and not so subtle dramas of daily life in such a densly populated culture, let alone one less so, are profound. I'm glad you haven't mellowed down or moved on. Stay with that drama, live it, just don't let it run your life.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of my travelling days in dtc and my horrible experience one night when i was in class X.The attitude never changes. Sometimes, I wonder celebrating womens day and telling them to respect women all are farce. just another hypocricy.

Shankari said...

Becky, isn't necessity the mother of a lot? Including amazing amazonia...

Garnet, yes dh and I were discussing this. He felt I should move on and not be stuck with what happened eons ago. But aren't we a sum of our experiences and more? It doesnt run my life but does determine some responses.

Anonymous, I'm not so cynical. I do believe theres more to a celebration which is to create awareness- I believe it isn't mere hypocrisy.
And on that note, Heres wishing all sisters a happy womans day! :)

Pallavi said...

Sigh yeah but when such a situation occurs, I have had my share of slapping and shoving the men.. :( it does not affect them...

Prithi Shetty said...

Oh ya, the world has never changed. Good to be prepared.

Btw, Happy Women's Day :)