June 13, 2006


Professor Bose says Geography prevails over Sociology! He invokes anthropology and ecology and indicates that the data be taken up for women's studies! According to a cursory analysis of the 2001 Census data, there are places in India where women prevail - in terms of sheer numbers over men as Heads of Households. Apart from the usual suspects of hilly areas and districts with high percentage of males moving out in search of jobs, and lonely hill women being the HH, the surprising topper of the list is the Lakshadweep islands. On the islands he says, that regardless of the largely Muslim population, the ratio is skewed in favour of women, as the land cannot provide enough viable jobs for the males and so he feels geography prevails over sociology (primarily religion) in ensuring that women prevail as HH of Lakshdweep.
Learned prof. that he is, he should know what he speaks of.


1. Just a follow-up from an earlier demographic post where sociology and biology seemed to have caught up with and eventually triumph over societal mores (IF that be possible!)

2. Don't know why I'm posting this here, but then I am!

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