April 18, 2006


Delight decreed the Mamasaysom theme.

And delighted I am to share my delight (even if the theme now be more careworn!) ...

I have not much experience (or need) of sampling the wide array of mind altering substances that Nature - and the chemical factories have to offer. Not alcohol, no opiates, no uppers, no mixed-balls, no psychostimulants, no psychedelics, no cokes, no amphs. If I do swing wildly from the whizzing, dizzying highs to suicidal lows it is entirely my own hormonal factory at work. The hormones fuel me, brake me down, and have on the whole, kept me going. They respond to all manner of stimuli, - visual, aural, tactile and yes, extra-sensory. Much of the stimulation is auto-generated and intrinsic to the processes in the factory itself- bye-products and catalysts and all. But occasionally the over-stimulated self does rise from its dopey self-obsessed languor and take delight in and from external agents.
With that exposition on delight, let me share my most delightful moment of all.
I was in the throes of the worst torture I'd had to endure. I was hanging between life and death and no, my life did not flash by me in that moment. I was too busy trying to somehow live. I was fighting damn hard, but knew it was a tough fight. How depleted I was- unable to muster any of my reserves. Shouting, screaming, shrieking in the most undignified manner imaginable. Yes, I was aware of what a pathetic figure I presented as I lay there, ineffectually doing battle. Till someone suggested that I not try so hard. Not try so hard?- Then I'd surely die, I thought. But the tired thighs grasped that message even if the mind said No. And suddenly out it came- messy and all. The most delightful, unique fragrance hit me and ALL my hormones kicked right in. I laughed, I cried, I shouted, I whimpered, I whooped. The tiny perfectly formed purple heel indicated I was finally a mother!


Anonymous said...

very nice!


chitra said...

shankari dear,

take time to reply to your mails rather than referring to them in blogs.

Shankari said...

Thanks Vasu!

heheheh Chitra-
Major attention deficit scene huhn? :))))

LAK said...

Hey, we gotta be"great minds think alike--and at the same time(my addition)" I too wrote a take on motherhood---do come by!

Shankari said...


Aint much more to me- so the motherhood theme keeps recurring, in my blog and my life.

AfricaBleu said...

I loved this post - so vivid and poetic!

Swathi Sambhani aka Chimera said...

poetic prose??? but then they say that motherhood brings the best out of us :)

Shankari said...

Love you, girl! :)

Swathi- motherhood DID bring out the best in me! :)

Manish Bhatt said...

Thanks for visiting and commenting upon my blog.

DTclarinet said...

wow, what a ride. Glad for the hormones!!!!

Shankari said...

Heheheeee David!

Those hormones make life livable (or NOT)- Hell, but at least Im enjoying the ride! :))

- Deadhead

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, motherhod brought out the best in me too - i threaten, coerce, blackmail, extort, abuse et al. U think the underworld needs a new recruit?

chitra said...


I know it is ur site, but i really had to comment on peccavi's remark. I do that everytime with my child, playing the "adult" . Well, but most of the time,i succumbto his wishes, but , yes I do try.

peccavi, u can prbbly send in ur cv to sicily mafia,where they r looking for a new leader.

Shankari said...

Aiyyo Chitra! Should I file for custody of Akash?

And Pecc, err... don't understand what this is about! Underworld? Motherhood?? Hmm?

chitra said...


u wd never understand as Aishwarya is the model daughter everybody wd wish to have. but let me see your reaction to anugrah's tantrum in a couple of years? prbbly , then i wd come to his rescue. U r most welcome to take Akash's custody. At this juncture, he is also looking out for alternate parents. (not because , i am bullying him , but the thought of adopting parents) . He often wonders as to why we adopt children and that they are not given the right to adopt parents.

My hugs to both ur children.

Anonymous said...

shankari -that was in response to how motherhood brought out the best in you :)

i was looking at the other 'best' it brings out in 'some' of us. love the monster to bits....but gosh - can he be a trial :)

Sideways Chica said...

While I thoroughly enjoyed your post, I do take exception at your comment that there isn't much more to you than motherhood. There is a lot more to you dear girl. The motherhood is precious...and so are you, but I know from your comments and quick wit, intelligence, and overall smarts that there is much more to you than motherhood. It is the "a lot" and the "much more" that makes you such a great mother. :)

Ciao chica...

Shankari said...

Hmm Teri, how could I be so wrong?

Of course there is a lot more to me than motherhood- it having lovely friends like you! :)