April 30, 2006

Coming Home

I am back home after my brief travels. And as usual I seem to have never gone away at all.

Was there a break? Did I not know all that was happening at home? The time the kids spent at play, in friends' houses, the disappointment over the delay due to the puncture on the way, the excitement over what mom's getting for them, the hours dh spent commuting on Bangalore roads - so had I missed anything?

But I did too- the way ds clambers on me monkey-like to perch on my head and KISS my hair till everybody around gets utterly disgusted. The way in which the kids and I horse around jumping shouting tickling giggling laughing kicking till we need to be pulled apart. And just before this gets too much like maternal paradise, this- the way dd can always bring me back to ground level by asking me to act my age! :p

And before I get down to getting down right complacent- there are things like the invasion of flying cockroaches in my vermicompost pit(!), the fact that the tomatoes are looking promising, but we shall be away for a couple of weeks from Sunday. The much awaited date on the calendar- Seventh May, when we begin our holiday to Australia. Arrangements need to be made for boarding things up, packing clothes, games, books and all the junk which never gets taken out of the suitcases but HAS to be packed in the interest of familial peace and bonhomie!

And the Chennai connection. On the first sector of my flight (via Chennai!) I met one of dh's friends- a person as literate and erudite as sensitive and kind. He gave me detailed accounts inter-alia, of the chicklit scene in post modern Indian English writing, being off-shore parents to what were a few years ago- their 'kid' sons, an exposition on Ramu G, a favourite author of mine - (I do adore this biography that Anita Nair has written of him). Somewhere in the midst of all this delightful talk, I brought up my rant about the lack of decent bookshops in Bangalore. And believe me, by the time I came back home, I had a parcel couriered to me via dh- with all of Kolatkar.

Fun to be back home! :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Shankari
Was expecting a travelogue of a Germanic sort...but you seem all set for Australian sort...exciting.:):)

Shankari said...

Hey Anj & Ganga- sorry abt that- it was just a work trip. No big deal.

And Ganga, thanks for the wishes- we hope to have a great time! :)

AfricaBleu said...

Glad you had a good trip!