July 30, 2006

Choice? Erm... thanks.

Stay, I had prayed and sent the general request out for prayers.

Am heart-broken at the prayer not being answered, but as a mother of two delightful children, I realise that I cannot ever comprehend the enormity and bleaknesof heart-break and pain of a woman who may wish to have a child but can not.

Akeeyu is not alone in this pain and suffering. There have been others - who recorded their trials with emotion, details of medication, and generous sprinkling of humour and more , who started off believing they would bear babies just like their mothers before them, like all women always have done, the natural biological way that all animals do.

Yet when they face these hurdles in having their babies, their resolve only deepens, they focus on accessing all that modern medicine has to offer them, picking and choosing from the vast array of solutions on offer. They surrender their money, precious timed even more precious bodies at the altar of research by scientists in and out of the pharmaceutical industry.
The choice depends on the amounts they are willing to offer - in terms of money, time and pieces of themselves.

Yes there are many who start off with a positive attitude, armed with the powerful armour of humour, but each one of them would definitely be having moments when they would give all their choices, all their time, money and doubts and depressions and tears for just a boringly safe pregnancy and a delightful baby to hold at the end of it. Many of these women do get success- but some do not.

Just a prayer - yet again.


Anonymous said...

Where have you been?


Shankari said...

Haven't been anywhere! (Not even to the United K to look you up, o queen!)

Just mired in some sad stuff.

chitra said...

i join in my prayers. But comparitively giving birth is lot more easier than bringing up the child and making him/her a good human being.

May she have the courage o pass through all the hurdles.

Pallavi said...

Yeah its sad.. I have two friends who are going through the same pain and it is difficult.. but I hope they can find a solution to this... such as adoption or something very soon ... :(

Priyamvada_K said...

A very moving post. I hope the women you are praying for have a nice, healthy baby pretty soon.


Anonymous said...

One of my friends aborted her second child becos the first one was too young- less than a year old. She didnt feel at the time that she could manage 2 little children. Went against all the "elders" in her family to do it- i supported her right to choose.....
But after seeing her suffering when she desperately wanted a second, i regretted the support.....I know its a totally different situation, but the deep desire for a child is the same.....

LAK said...

This struck a chord---some very close people went through this. My prayers too---
Thanks for asking after me during my long silence---there was no particular reason. Do come by again.

Anonymous said...

A touchy one,Shankari..
My prayers too..

Aqua said...

Very touching! yes...my prayers too!

Junius said...

cheer up da,
He knows...and He knows us better than us :-)